Robuster Entwurf und statistische Modellierung für Bildsensoren mit hochparalleler analoger Bildverarbeitungseinheit
The joined implementation of an image sensor and a highly parallel analog processing unit is an advantageous approach for realizing efficient single-chip vision systems. This thesis proposes a design flow for the development of such systems. Moreover known and novel circuit techniques are analysed with respect for their suitability for the implementation of highly parallel systems. The presented methodologies and circuit techniques are demonstrated at the example of a CMOS image sensor with an embedded highly parallel analog image processing unit in whose design the author was involved. One of the major problems in designing highly parallel analog circuits is the low automation compared to the design of digital circuits. As not every function can be realized with arbitrary accuracy top-down-design is not feasible. So, when analysing the system behaviour the respective precision of each function block has to be considered. As this is a very demanding task in terms of computing power, it is proposed to use a dedicated tool for the simulation of the system and conventional network analysis tools for the inspection of the circuit realizations. Both simulation domains are combined by means of numerical behavioural models. By using separate tools system-simulations of highly parallel analog systems as a part of the design flow become practicable. Variance analysis basing on parameter sensitivities is proposed as an alternative to the conventional Monte-Carlo-analysis for investigating the influence of random device parameter variations on the system behaviour. Variance analysis requires much less computational effort while providing accurate results for all circuit properties with sufficiently smooth parameter dependencies if the random parameters can be assumed normally distributed and statistically independent. Additionally, variance analysis increases the designer’s knowledge about the circuit, as the device parameters with the highest influence on the circuit performance can immediately be identified. The comparison of various circuit techniques has shown, that sampled-time continuous-valued current-mode principles are the best choice for realizing highly parallel analog systems. A distinctive advantage of such circuits is their almost independence from device parameters. A selection of further circuit techniques with low sensitivity to random device parameter variations are summarized in a taxonomy. A CMOS image sensor with embedded highly parallel analog image processing unit has been implemented. The image sensor provides a current-mode output and is arranged separate from the processing unit. Four different possibilities for realizing an image sensor have been analysed. A conventional integrating voltage-mode pixel cell with a succeeding differential voltage-to-current-converter has been selected. The processing unit is designed for performing spatial convolution and linear transformation with externally provided digital kernels. It operates in bit-wise analog manner. The chip has been tested successfully. The measured image quality in good approximation corresponds with the estimations made with system simulations.