Internet Management Issues: A Global Perspective
w w w .m ed ia jo ur na l.o rg ‘Management Issues’ arising out of the use of the Internet are addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective in the book ‘Internet Management Issues: Al Global Perspective’, edited by Haynes. To extend the existing discipline of information systems is one major goal of the book. The 19 papers are organized in five sections. As a ‘collection of papers’ the single papers are grouped into the sections but do not follow a continuous thread. While most of the authors are academics coming from the IS field there are papers authored by mathematicians and psychologists as well as two chapters authored by academics from field of philosophy of information technology. As a collection of papers the book is targeted to all readers which are interested in management issues relating to the use of the Internet, academics and students as well as managers and the interested public. While many papers address directly the global perspective others deal with it only very generally. Most of the papers provide beside a thorough literature review and a theoretical analysis a discussion of cases from the real world as well.