The Application of Location Models to Off-Airport Terminals

Off-airport terminals have been studied by Snell and Hazen (Snell, J. E., D. C. Hazen. 1970. A first approximation satellite terminal system evaluation model---FASTSEM. Report 103, Transportation Systems Engineering, Department of Civil and Geological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton.), who evaluated the benefits obtainable from optimally located terminals. The location of off-airport terminals was studied by Kanafani (Kanafani, A. K. 1972. Location models of off-airport terminals. Trans. Res. 6 371--379.), who proposed a number of models to optimize the travel time savings obtainable from terminals located in an idealized linear city. This paper attempts to extend the approach proposed by Kanafani and to apply the resulting models to a case study. Only the location problem is dealt with in this paper and, for that, only travel-time savings obtained by connecting the terminal to the airport with an exclusive mass transit system are considered. Poulton (Poulton, M. C. 1974. The location of off-airport terminals. PhD dissertation, University of California, Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Berkeley (Dissertation Series).) considered other benefits of off-airport terminals taking into account potential savings in airport terminal congestion.