연구논문 : Lagrangian 입자추적모형을 이용한 부유성 오염물질의 혼합해석

In this research, mixing behavior of the floating pollutant such as oil spill accidents was analyzed by studying the advection-diffusion of GPS floaters at water surface. The LPT (Lagrangian Particle Tracking) model of EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Computer Code) was used to simulate the motion of the GPS floater tracer. In the field experiment, 35 GPS floaters were injected at the Samun Bridge of Nakdong River. GPS floaters traveled to downstream about 700 m for 90 minutes. The field data by the GPS floater experiments were compared with the simulation in order to calibrate the parameter of LPT model. The turbulent diffusion coefficient of LPT model was determined as KH / hu* = 0.17 from the scatter diagram. The arrival time of peak concentration and transverse diffusion from the simulation results were similar with the experiments from the concentration curves. Numerical experiments for anticipation of damage from floating pollutant were conducted in the same reach of the Nakdong River and the results show that the pollutant cloud transported to the left bank where the Hwawon pumping station is located. For this reason, it is suggested that the proper action should be needed to maintain the safety of the water withdrawal at the Hwawon pumping station.