A novel ecological network‐based computation platform as a grid middleware system

Next‐generation grid systems where the emphasis shifts to distributed global collaboration, a service‐oriented approach, and information layer issues exhibit a strong sense of automation. Requirements for these systems resemble the self‐organizing and the self‐healing properties of natural ecosystems. Inspired by this resemblance, we introduce some key ecological concepts and mechanisms into the design for the third‐generation grid systems. In this article, a novel Ecological Network‐based Grid Middleware (ENGM), which is based on Ecological Network Computing Environment (ENCE), is proposed. First, we discuss how to design the ENCE by agent‐oriented approaches based on the key concepts and principles of ecosystems. ENCE provides a new computing and problem‐solving paradigm by combining natural ecosystem mechanisms with agent technologies. Then, we design the ENGM with built‐in mechanisms to support desirable requirements of new grid systems, namely scalability, adaptability, self‐organization, simplicity, and survivability. Based on Jeffery's conceptual model, we also present a corresponding grid‐computing prototype that embeds ENGM layers from the implementation point of view. The ENGM will be useful to address the challenges of the third‐generation grid systems. Finally, as a demonstration, we built an ENGM platform‐based commercial grid service environment and developed a prototype of enterprise supply chain management system. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ENGM satisfies the requirements of the next‐generation grid and is suitable for new generation grid applications. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 19: 859–884, 2004.

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