Spin-Valley Relaxation and Exciton-Induced Depolarization Dynamics of Landau-Quantized Electrons in MoSe_{2} Monolayer.
Nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated systems constitutes a fascinating problem of condensed matter physics with many open questions. Here, we investigate the relaxation dynamics of Landau-quantized electron system into spin-valley polarized ground state in a gate-tunable MoSe_{2} monolayer subjected to a strong magnetic field. The system is driven out of equilibrium with optically injected excitons that depolarize the electron spins and the subsequent electron spin-valley relaxation is probed in time-resolved experiments. We demonstrate that both the relaxation and light-induced depolarization rates at millikelvin temperatures sensitively depend on the Landau level filling factor: the relaxation is enhanced whenever the electrons form an integer quantum Hall liquid and slows down appreciably at noninteger fillings, while the depolarization rate exhibits an opposite behavior. Our findings suggest that spin-valley dynamics may be used as a tool to investigate the interplay between the effects of disorder and strong interactions in the electronic ground state.