Automatic furniture population of large architectural models

The goal of this project is to automate the process of generating large furnished models of building interiors. The FurnIt system was designed to automatically place furniture into a given floor plan. It deals solely with the spatial placement of furniture, ignoring esthetic concerns such as colors, fabrics and lighting. FurnIt represents rooms, furniture groups and individual pieces of furniture as a nested hierarchy of spaces with assigned functions. The space of a piece of furniture is defined by its bounding box. Each level of the spatial hierarchy is represented by a template that specifies the configuration of all sub-spaces enclosed in the given space. A set of default templates are provided for most common room and furniture types. FurnIt selects a template and adapts it to a given room, recursively resolving spatial conflicts in the room template’s sub-spaces until a valid furniture configuration is reached. The result is guaranteed to be geometrically valid and functional. FurnIt was developed as part of the City Walk project. It works in concert with other City Walk tools that generate textured building exteriors and interiors. Thesis Supervisor: Seth Teller Title: Associate Professor