Operation of a Landfill Bioreactor in a Cold Climate: Early Results and Lessons Learned

AbstractThis manuscript presents a detailed discussion of the challenges faced and lessons learned during the initial phase of operation of the Calgary Biocell. The Calgary Biocell is a full-scale pilot project that has been implemented to acquire data and demonstrate the applicability of the biocell concept under severe winter conditions. The biocell concept involves operating a waste cell in three phases: first as an anaerobic bioreactor to recover biogas and produce energy, second as an aerobic bioreactor or an in-ground composter, and finally mined to recover processed waste and land for reuse. The Calgary Biocell has been in operation in its first phase, as an anaerobic bioreactor, for over the past five years. The cell was equipped with sensors to gather performance data during anaerobic and aerobic bioreactor operation. The settlement, moisture content, pressure, and temperature sensors provided early data, but failed after several months of cell operation. Regular monitoring and repairs were perfo...