Primate males : causes and consequences of variation in group composition

Preface Part I. Introduction: 1. The socioecology of primate males: history and theory Peter M. Kappeler Part II. Comparative Perspectives on Male-Female Association: 2. Multi-male breeding groups in birds: ecological causes and social conflicts Nick B. Davies 3. Males in macropod society Peter Jarman 4. Social counterstrategies against infanticide by males in primates and other mammals Carel van Schaik Part III. Variation in Male Numbers: Taxon-Level Analyses: 5. Causes and consequences of unusual sex ratios in lemurs Peter M. Kappeler 6. The number of adult males in callitrichine groups and its implications for callitrichine social evolution Eckhard W. Heymann 7. From binding brotherhoods to short-term sovereignty: the betwixting dilemma of male Cebidae Karen B. Strier 8. The number of males in guenon groups Marina Cords 9. Socioecology of baboons: the interaction of male and female strategies Robert A. Barton 10. Variation in adult sex ratios of red colobus monkey social groups: implications for interspecific comparisons Thomas T. Struhsaker 11. The number of males in langur groups: monopolizability of females or demographic process? Elisabeth H. M. Sterck and Jan A. R. A. M. van Hooff 12. Costs and benefits of the one-male, age-graded and all-male phase in wild Thomas langur groups Romy Steenbeek, Elisabeth H. M. Sterck, Han de Vries and Jan A. R. A. M. van Hooff 13. Male dispersal and mating season influxes in Hanuman langurs living in multi-male groups Carola Borries 14. Rethinking monogamy: the gibbon case Volker Sommer and Ulrich Reichard 15. Causes and consequences of variation in male mountain gorilla life histories and group membership David P. Watts Part IV. Behavioural Aspects of Male Coexistence: 16. Relationships among nonhuman primate males: a deductive framework Jan A. R. A. M. van Hooff 17. Collective benefits, free-riders and male extragroup conflict Charles L. Nunn 18. Dominance, egalitarianism and stalemate: an experimental approach to male-male competition in Barbary macaques Signe Preuschoft and Andreas Paul Part V. Evolutionary Determinants and Consequences: 19. The evolution of male philopatry in neotropical monkeys Theresa Pope 20. Models of outcome and process: predicting the number of males in primate groups Jeanne Altmann 21. Why are male chimpanzees more gregarious than mothers? A scramble competition hypothesis Richard W. Wrangham 22. Male mating strategies: a modeling approach Robin I. M. Dunbar Part VI. Conclusions: 23. Understanding male primates Michael E. Pereira, Timothy H. Clutton-Brock and Peter M. Kappeler References Index.