Competition for Space and the Structure of Ecological Communities

I. Introduction.- I.1. Competition for space..- I.2. Spatial competition and the niche..- I.3. Modelling competition for space..- I.4. Limitations of this study..- I.5. Colonization..- I.6. Preview..- II. Founder Controlled Communities.- II.1. Colonization equilibria..- II.2. Stability..- II.3. Total standing crop..- II.4. Summary..- III. Dominance Controlled Communities.- III.1. Numerical dominance and functional dominance..- III.2. The reshuffle..- III.3. Quasicycles and lotteries..- III.4. Equilibrium communities..- III.4.1. Equilibrium populations..- III.4.2. Species richness..- III.4.3. Numerical dominance..- III.4.4. Stability..- III.4.5. Total standing crop..- III.5. Invasion and succession..- III.6. Other forms of dispersa..- III.7. Summary..- IV. Harvesting.- IV.1. Harvesting..- IV.2. The reshuffle..- IV.3. Influence of harvesting: theoretical..- IV.3.1. Indiscriminate harvesting..- IV.3.2. Selective harvesting of dominant species..- IV.3.3. Selective harvesting of nondominant species..- IV.4. Species richness: observational..- IV.5. Disturbance..- IV.6. Summary..- V. Epilogue.- V.1. Spatial competition and the niche reconsidered..- V.2. Species packing and the relation between plant and animal diversity..- V.3. Evolutionary considerations and the tropical rain forest..- Appendix A. Perturbation Theory.- A.1. Perturbed equilibria..- A.2. Perturbed stability matrices..- A.2.1. Semisimple eigenvalues..- A.2.2. Existence of linear perturbations..- A.2.3. Calculation of linear perturbations..- A.3. Calculation of A..- A.3.1. Colonization equilibria..- A.3.2. Reshuffled equilibria..- Appendix B. Some Lotka-Volterra Formulae.- B.1. One-species equilibria..- B.2. Two-species equilibria..- Appendix C. Harvesting and Two-Species Interactions.- Author Index.