Processing-in-memory in High Bandwidth Memory (PIM-HBM) Architecture with Energy-efficient and Low Latency Channels for High Bandwidth System

In this paper, for the first time, we propose a processing-in-memory in high bandwidth memory (PIM-HBM) architecture for high bandwidth systems with low dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) access costs. The main concept of the proposed PIM-HBM architecture is to embed processing units into a logic base of high bandwidth memory (HBM) to decrease the energy consumption and latency of interconnections as the physical length between core and DRAM decreases. To verify the proposed PIM-HBM architecture, we designed on-chip and on-interposer I/O channels using a CMOS 0.18 µm process. We extracted channel parasitic using an electromagnetic (EM) solver and performed a SPICE simulation to compare the system performance of the proposed architecture with the conventional HBM. As a result, the performance of the proposed PIM-HBM architecture is successfully verified by reducing energy consumption and latency of interconnections by 77 % and 79 % compared to the conventional HBM system.

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