The mortality and pathology caused by serotype 4 adenovirus, isolated from chickens with hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) in Japan, was investigated in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. One-day-old to 15-mo-old SPF chickens were inoculated intramuscularly, orally, and intranasally with liver homogenates from HPS chickens or isolated serotype 4 adenovirus. There were no clinical signs before death. The mortality rate in all groups of 1-day-old chicks was 100%, irrespective of the inoculum or inoculation route. Four-week-old chickens inoculated with liver homogenate also had a 100% mortality rate. Five-week-old chickens inoculated with cell culture of HPS adenovirus had a 40% mortality rate. The mortality rates of 7-mo-old hens inoculated with liver homogenates intramuscularly and orally were 75% and 25%, respectively. In 15-mo-old hens inoculated with liver homogenates intramuscularly, the mortality rate was 70%. Gross lesions were hydropericardium and swelling and congestion of the liver with occasional petechial hemorrhages. Histologically, the liver had diffuse or multifocal hepatic necrosis and hemorrhage with intranuclear inclusion bodies noted within hepatocytes. In the spleen, macrophages containing erythrocytes and yellow pigment were prominent in the red pulp. In the lung, a moderate diffuse macrophage infiltration was noted throughout the lung parenchyma, and these macrophages contained yellow pigment. In the pancreas of the chicks inoculated at 1 day old, there was multifocal necrosis of glands with intranuclear inclusion bodies. Intranuclear inclusion bodies were seen also in the gizzard, proventriculus, duodenum, cecum, kidney, and lung of the chicks inoculated at 1 day old. Immunohistochemically, the intranuclear inclusion bodies of various organs showed positive reactions against group I avian adenovirus. Adenovirus was recovered from the liver of chickens with HPS. This study indicates that HPS adenovirus is able to reproduce HPS lesions and mortality in SPF chicks and even adult chickens and that it is a highly pathogenic strain.
H. Tojo,et al.
Histology, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructure of hydropericardium syndrome in adult broiler breeders and broiler chicks.
Avian diseases.
M. Voss,et al.
Some strains of serotype 4 fowl adenoviruses cause inclusion body hepatitis and hydropericardium syndrome in chickens.
Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A.
S. Malik,et al.
Immunosuppressive potential and pathogenicity of an avian adenovirus isolate involved in hydropericardium syndrome in broilers.
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Hydropericardium syndrome in broiler chickens in Pakistan
M. Al-Attar,et al.
New syndrome in Iraqi chicks
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R. Muneer,et al.
Studies on the aetiology of hydropericardium syndrome (Angara disease) in broilers
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Experimental transmission of hydropericardium syndrome and protection against it in commercial broiler chickens.
Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A.
M. Khan,et al.
Haematological studies on naturally occurring hydropericardium syndrome in broiler chicks
Veterinary Record.