For most electronics circuits, the inductor is not a desirable circuit element. This is attributed to several reasons. Inductors are less standard compared to other passive circuit elements and they must be prepared separately in many applications. The behavior of physical inductors is not sufficiently close to ideal component behavior compared with resistors and capacitors and in terms of spatial dimensions they are larger than the other circuit elements, unless the inductance value is very small. Instead of physical inductor elements, actively simulated inductances have widely been used in many circuits. Actively simulated inductors find application in areas like oscillators and active filter design problems. For this reason, there are many publications on the active simulation of inductances [1-15]. Also many works concentrated on the simulation of floating inductances, which are more general than a grounded inductor [1-6]. Most of the presented op-amp and second generation current conveyor (CCII) based topologies presented up to now realise some of possible inductorresistor-capacitor combinations using the same circuit configuration. The presented grounded inductor simulating topology in reference [1], employs only a single current conveyor, six resistors and one capacitor to obtain six types of inductors that is ideal L, L with a series positive resistance, L with a series negative resistance, L with a parallel positive resistance, L with a parallel negative resistance and the bilinear form. Moreover for each type of inductor all five passive elements are used. Some of them are related with simulation of only series immittance function [8-9]. Several specific circuits for the simulation ofR-L and C-D immittances have been reported in the literature [10-13]. Universal series and parallel immittance simulator topologies employing two FTFNs are presented in a recent work [13]. A general immittance simulator circuit that enable simulation of all possible form of inductors is proposed in reference [14]. The main objective of this paper is to present actively simulated grounded lossless inductors in a simple form that provide further possibilities to the designers in the realisation of analogue signal processing circuits. The first generation current conveyor (CCI) is used as the active element. Some advantages of the first generation current conveyor over CCII is discussed in [16]. For example it is shown that the existence of the internal current feedback from z terminal to the y terminal
Hakan Kuntman,et al.
Universal Series and Parallel Immittance Simulators Using Four Terminal Floating Nullors
Ching-Ting Lee,et al.
Systematic synthesis of R-L and C-D immittances using single CCIII
R. Senani.
A novel application of four-terminal floating nullors
Proceedings of the IEEE.
Yuh-Shyan Hwang,et al.
Realisation of R-L and C-D impedances using a current feedback amplifier and its applications
Yutaka Fukui,et al.
Brief communication Simulation of lossless floating inductance using two current conveyors and an operational transconductance amplifier
H. Kuntman,et al.
New parallel immitance simulator realizations employing a single OTRA
The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002. MWSCAS-2002..
Ching-Ting Lee,et al.
Realisation of R-L and C-D immittances using single FTFN
Yasuhito Fukui,et al.
Novel method for realising lossless floating immittance using current conveyors
Vimal Singh.
Active RC single-resistance-controlled lossless floating inductance simulation using single grounded capacitor
D. Patranabis,et al.
Active simulation of grounded inductors using a single current conveyor
Mehmet Oguzhan Cicekoglu.
Active simulation of grounded inductors with CCII+s and grounded passive elements
Erik Bruun.
Class AB CMOS first-generation current conveyor
Peter Aronhime,et al.
Applications of a first-generation current conveyor in current-mode circuits
Hakan Kuntman,et al.
Novel Lossless Floating Immittance Simulator Employing Only Two FTFNs
Raj Senani,et al.
Minimal realisations of a class of operational-mirrored-amplifier-based floating impedances
Chun-Ming Chang,et al.
Realization of series impedance functions using one CCII
Yutaka Fukui,et al.
Series impedance simulators using one CCII