The new world of work : challenges and opportunities
List of Contributors. About the Editors. Acknowledgments. Introduction: The New World of Work: Ronald J. Burke (York University, Canada) and Cary L. Cooper (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology). Part I: The Changing Work Environment:. 1. Organizational Transitions: Ronald J. Burke (York University, Canada). 2. Privatization and Outsourcing: Rita Campos e Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Part II: Changing Career Landscapes:. 3. Developmental Relationships at Work: A Learning Perspective: Douglas T. Hall (Boston University) and William A. Khan (Boston University). 4. Second Careers and Multiple Careers: Daniel C. Fieldman (University of South Carolina). 5. The Impact of Family Life on Career Decisions and Outcomes: Romila Singh (Drexel University), Jeffrey H. Greenhaus (Drexel University) and Saroj Parasuraman (Drexel University). Part III: Changes to Jobs And Work:. 6. Contingent Work Contracts: Practice and Theory: Daniel G. Gallagher (James Madison University). 7. Reduced--Load Work Arrangements: The Changing Nature of Professional and Managerial Work: Mary Dean Lee (McGill University), Pierre--Guy Hourquet, and Shelley M. MacDermid (Purdue University). 8. Teleworking: A Primer for the Millennium Introduction: Linda Duxbury (Carleton University) and Christopher Higgins (University of Western Ontario). Part IV: Changing Organizational Forms:. 9. The Virtual Organization: Wayne F. Cascio (University of Denver at Colorado). 10. Designing Change--Capable Organizations: Edward E. Lawler III (University of Southern California). Part V: Comany Initiatives to Improve New Working Arrangements:. 11. Formal Mentoring: The Promise and the Precipice: Terri A. Scandura (University of Miami) and Ethlyn A. Williams (University of South Florida). 12. Self--Assessment Models and Quality/Excellence Awards: B. G. Dale (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology). 13. Best Practices for Advancing Women in Business Organizations: Mary C. Mattis (Catalyst, New York). 14. Towards a Culture for Work--Life Integration?: Suzan Lewis (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Jackie Dyer. Index.