A 60 GHz wireless network for enabling uncompressed video communication

Uncompressed high-definition video streaming over wireless personal area networks is a challenging problem because of the high data rate requirement and channel variations. With the advances in RF technology and the huge bandwidth available worldwide in the 57-66 GHz millimeter-wave unlicensed spectrum, mmWave WPANs that can support multigigabit transmission are being developed. However, compared to low-frequency signals (2.4 or 5 GHz), mmWave signals are more fragile; indeed, the propagation losses are significantly higher. In this article we present an mmWave system for supporting uncompressed HD video up to 3 Gb/s. The system includes various efficient error protection and concealment schemes that exploit unequal error resilience properties of uncompressed video. Some of them have been adopted in the emerging 60 GHz WPAN standards such as WirelessHD, ECMA TC48, and IEEE 802.15.3c. Simulations using real uncompressed HD images indicate that the proposed mmWave system can maintain, under poor channel conditions, good average peak-signal-to-noise-ratio and low video quality metric scores.