The Design of Cellphone Indoor Positioning System Based Magnetic Assisted Inertial Navigation Technology

To implement indoor positioning,sufficient signal nodes fast attenuated by the interference of the con-struction and consequently cause the low positional accuracy,are mostly required. In order to avoid the existingproblem,by further studying the technologies of indoor positioning,a positioning algorithm with inertial navigationtechnology assisted geomagnetic matching that suits for cellphone terminal indoor positioning is presented. Differentfrom the traditional outdoor positioning system,by taking advantage of differentiated information of Earth's magnet-ic field at different points and selecting an appropriate geomagnetic matching algorithm,the indoor positioning ofcellphone devices without depending on external devices can be achieved,simultaneously applying the combined lo-calization method of inertial navigation-assisted geomagnetic positioning improve the indoor positioning accuracy.Finally,a cellphone indoor positioning software which is based on Android platform is novelly and successfully de-signed with mobile built-in sensors,Simulations and experiments show that this localization method is effective.