Low frequency sound transmission in multifamily wooden houses

In the recently finished research projects, AkuLite and AcuWood, it is clearly stated that low frequencies should be considered far more, prior to design new wooden structural building system. Lower than 50 Hz is preferable, and the most annoying frequencies appear between 20 and 50 Hz. However, it is still a long way to go in order to convince acousticians, the entire global industry and authorities that these frequencies have to be considered in order to build wooden structures which are experienced by the habitants as equally good as heavy structures. To “save” the industry, a lower limit of at least 50 Hz at least for impact sound should be mandatory in the near future globally, in spite of the fact that the new standard ISO 16717 will not be reality. This paper describes the main reasons why it is needed to include these low frequencies in residential buildings. It describes different constructions and their appearance due to low frequency impact sound transmission. The paper comprises some examples designed to fulfill the Swedish requirements, which