Recent progress at the CHARA interferometric array

Georgia State University's Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) operates a multi-telescope, long-baseline, optical/infrared interferometric array on Mt. Wilson, California. We present a brief update on the status of this facility along with summaries of the first scientific results from the Array.

[1]  Laszlo Sturmann,et al.  CHARA recent technology and science , 2004, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

[2]  R. H. Brown,et al.  The stellar interferometer at Narrabri Observatory-II. The angular diameters of 15 stars , 1967 .

[3]  E. K. Baines,et al.  First Results from the CHARA Array. I. An Interferometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Fast Rotator α Leonis (Regulus) , 2005 .

[4]  G. G. Stokes "J." , 1890, The New Yale Book of Quotations.

[5]  Ellyn K. Baines,et al.  FIRST RESULTS FROM THE CHARA ARRAY. I. AN INTERFEROMETRIC AND SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE FAST ROTATORLEONIS (REGULUS) H. A. McAlister, T. A. ten Brummelaar, D. R. Gies, 1 W. Huang, 1 W. G. Bagnuolo, Jr., , 2005 .

[6]  S. T. Ridgway,et al.  First Results from the CHARA Array. VII. Long-Baseline Interferometric Measurements of Vega Consistent with a Pole-On, Rapidly Rotating Star , 2006, astro-ph/0603327.

[7]  Pierre Kervella,et al.  The projection factor of δ Cephei A calibration of the Baade-Wesselink method using the CHARA Array , 2005 .

[8]  S. T. Ridgway,et al.  First Results from the CHARA Array. III. Oblateness, Rotational Velocity, and Gravity Darkening of Alderamin , 2005 .

[9]  S. T. Ridgway,et al.  First Results from the CHARA Array. II. A Description of the Instrument , 2005 .

[10]  Laszlo Sturmann,et al.  First Results from the CHARA Array. V. Binary Star Astrometry: The Case of 12 Persei , 2006 .

[11]  S. T. Ridgway,et al.  Circumstellar material in the Vega inner system revealed by CHARA/FLUOR , 2006 .

[12]  Benjamin F. Lane,et al.  PHASES Differential Astrometry and Iodine Cell Radial Velocities of the κ Pegasi Triple Star System , 2005, astro-ph/0509406.