Performance of syndromic management for the detection and treatment of genital Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis among women attending antenatal, well woman and sexual health clinics in Papua New Guinea: a cross-sectional study
J. Kaldor | H. Wand | P. Siba | A. Vallely | G. Law | L. Vallely | G. Mola | C. Ryan | J. Wapling | Petronia Kaima | P. Toliman | J. Gabuzzi | A. Kumbia | B. Kombuk | Z. Kombati | G. Munnull | A. Kelly-Hanku | Joyce Allen | G. Rai | C. Opa | A. Kelly‐Hanku | Johanna Wapling | Antonia Kumbia | Gloria Munnull | Josephine Gabuzzi