A UK Scheme to Help Small Firms Control Health Risks from Chemicals: Toxicological Considerations

The UK has developed a simple scheme to provide practical control advice to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to assist them in their risk assessments and risk management decisions. This scheme makes use of toxicological hazard information indicated by R-phrases assigned under the European Union (EU) classification system, to assign substances to hazard bands. In the UK scheme, the allocation of substances to hazard bands according to R-phrases has taken into account three key factors: whether or not the toxicological endpoint has an identifiable dose threshold; the seriousness of the resultant health effect; and the relative exposure levels at which toxic effects occur. Based on all these considerations, R-phrases have been allocated to hazard bands within the scheme. An evaluation exercise has been undertaken, to compare the output of the scheme with established health-based occupational exposure limits, for more than 100 substances. The results of this exercise demonstrate that as far as possible, the scheme recommends control strategies which should provide adequate control. This scheme is potentially a very powerful means of helping SMEs adequately control chemical health risks in the workplace. Since it utilises the EU-agreed classification system, the scheme can be applied to any substance supplied and used in the workplace and it may also be used internationally.