Handbuch der physiologischen Optik

Dark brown calf leather cover, 240 x 160 mm, gold stamped on the front and back with the heraldic crest of Pembroke College, Oxford, and gold stamped with the book title on the spine, 874 pages and one page addendum. A pocket formed by the back paste down contains five of originally eight folding plates. There are pencil notes in English in a few margins. The book is volume 9 in the series Allgemeine Encylopaedie der Physik edited by Gustav Karsten. (see page facing the title page). Digital images of the missing plates are on a CD held in the Pamphlet and Ephemera filing cabinet under Catalogue number 2924 together with print-outs of the images. They were copied courtesy of the BOA Museum Curator, Neil Handley, from a copy of this book in the Library of the the College of Optometrists, London. Images of this missing plates are on the Museum iPhoto