Software Configuration Management: A Discipline with Added Value
Abstract : From the beginning of Ogden Air Logistics Center's software engineering division to their current Capability Maturity Model (trademark) (CMM trademark) Level 5 quality practices, the implementation of the software configuration management (SCM) discipline combined with management and engineering practices has been critical to their weapon-system software sustainment activities. The focus of this article is to discuss how SCM adds value to the Ogden Air Logistics Center by establishing and maintaining continuity of the engineering workflow and providing information to help establish a strong SCM function in maturing software organizations. Maintaining a SCM discipline is critical to the center's CMM Level 5 software sustainment activities. Proper implementation of SCM enables them to plan, identify, control, and audit product life cycles. SCM along with management and engineering guide the organization to continuously improve its ability to meet expectations of high quality, low cost, and on-time deliveries. Continuous improvement can be achieved when practitioners are provided with the proper tools and adequate training, and are empowered with a quality process.