Planned Products of the Mars Structure Service for the InSight Mission to Mars

[1]  M. Golombek,et al.  Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Modeling and Inversion for Shallow Structure at the Proposed InSight Landing Site in Elysium Planitia, Mars , 2017 .

[2]  S. Calcutt,et al.  Seismic Coupling of Short-Period Wind Noise Through Mars’ Regolith for NASA’s InSight Lander , 2017 .

[3]  K. Gwinner,et al.  Selection of the InSight Landing Site , 2017 .

[4]  J. Tromp,et al.  Analysis of Regolith Properties Using Seismic Signals Generated by InSight’s HP3 Penetrator , 2017 .

[5]  Ralph D. Lorenz,et al.  Modeling of Ground Deformation and Shallow Surface Waves Generated by Martian Dust Devils and Perspectives for Near-Surface Structure Inversion , 2017 .

[6]  R. Kirk,et al.  Near Surface Stratigraphy and Regolith Production in Southwestern Elysium Planitia, Mars: Implications for Hesperian-Amazonian Terrains and the InSight Lander Mission , 2017 .

[7]  David Mimoun,et al.  Estimations of the Seismic Pressure Noise on Mars Determined from Large Eddy Simulations and Demonstration of Pressure Decorrelation Techniques for the Insight Mission , 2017, Space Science Reviews.

[8]  B. Banerdt,et al.  Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation on Mars , 2017 .


[10]  M. Golombek,et al.  Erratum to: An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Some Martian Regolith Simulants with Respect to the Surface Properties at the InSight Mission Landing Site , 2017 .

[11]  David Mimoun,et al.  Evaluating the Wind-Induced Mechanical Noise on the InSight Seismometers , 2016, 1612.04308.

[12]  M. Golombek,et al.  An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Some Martian Regolith Simulants with Respect to the Surface Properties at the InSight Mission Landing Site , 2017, Space Science Reviews.

[13]  M. van Driel,et al.  A probabilistic framework for single-station location of seismicity on Earth and Mars , 2017 .

[14]  David Mimoun,et al.  Single-station and single-event marsquake location and inversion for structure using synthetic Martian waveforms , 2016 .

[15]  William M. Folkner,et al.  An improved JPL Mars gravity field and orientation from Mars orbiter and lander tracking data , 2016 .

[16]  Frank G. Lemoine,et al.  Seasonal and static Gravity Field of Mars from MGS, Mars Odyssey and MRO Radio Science , 2016 .

[17]  Doyeon Kim,et al.  Seismic interferometry of railroad induced ground motions: body and surface wave imaging , 2016 .

[18]  T. Spohn,et al.  How large are present‐day heat flux variations across the surface of Mars? , 2016 .

[19]  Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma,et al.  Applicability of Theoretical Horizontal-to-Vertical Ratio of Microtremors Based on the Diffuse Field Concept to Previously Observed Data , 2015 .

[20]  Stan E. Dosso,et al.  Direct-seismogram inversion for receiver-side structure with uncertain source–time functions , 2015 .

[21]  K. Miljković,et al.  Impact cutoff frequency: Momentum scaling law inverted from Apollo seismic data , 2015 .

[22]  N. Teanby,et al.  Predicted detection rates of regional-scale meteorite impacts on Mars with the InSight short-period seismometer , 2015 .

[23]  S. Werner,et al.  Interior structure of the Moon: Constraints from seismic tomography, gravity and topography , 2015 .

[24]  G. D. Moro Joint analysis of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and HVSR of lunar seismic data from the Apollo 14 and 16 sites , 2015 .

[25]  C. B. Crouse,et al.  Effects of site geology on seismic ground motion: early history , 2015 .

[26]  S. Sasaki,et al.  Internal structure of the Moon inferred from Apollo seismic data and selenodetic data from GRAIL and LLR , 2015 .

[27]  Thorne Lay,et al.  Seismological implications of a lithospheric low seismic velocity zone in Mars , 2015 .

[28]  W. Banerdt,et al.  Verifying single-station seismic approaches using Earth-based data: Preparation for data return from the InSight mission to Mars , 2015 .

[29]  Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma,et al.  Full microtremor H/V(z, f) inversion for shallow subsurface characterization , 2014 .

[30]  Simon C. Stähler,et al.  AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media , 2014 .

[31]  V. Lekić,et al.  Receiver function deconvolution using transdimensional hierarchical Bayesian inference , 2014 .

[32]  Sami W. Asmar,et al.  InSight: A Discovery Class Mission to Explore the Interior of Mars , 2014 .

[33]  G. J. Taylor,et al.  The bulk composition of Mars , 2013 .

[34]  Amir Khan,et al.  Geophysical evidence for melt in the deep lunar interior and implications for lunar evolution , 2013 .

[35]  F. Nimmo,et al.  Dissipation at tidal and seismic frequencies in a melt‐free, anhydrous Mars , 2013 .

[36]  J. Wookey,et al.  Estimates of seismic activity in the Cerberus Fossae region of Mars , 2013 .

[37]  P. Vacher,et al.  A Bayesian approach to infer radial models of temperature and anisotropy in the transition zone from surface wave dispersion curves , 2013 .

[38]  Robert B. Herrmann,et al.  Computer Programs in Seismology: An Evolving Tool for Instruction and Research , 2013 .

[39]  Dario Albarello,et al.  Diffuse elastic wavefield within a simple crustal model. Some consequences for low and high frequencies , 2013 .

[40]  Amir Khan,et al.  Upper mantle compositional variations and discontinuity topography imaged beneath Australia from Bayesian inversion of surface‐wave phase velocities and thermochemical modeling , 2013 .

[41]  A. Rivoldini,et al.  The interior structure of Mercury constrained by the low-degree gravity field and the rotation of Mercury , 2013 .

[42]  N. Schmerr,et al.  Broadband array observations of the 300 km seismic discontinuity , 2013 .

[43]  Cécile Cornou,et al.  Ground structure imaging by inversions of Rayleigh wave ellipticity: Sensitivity analysis and application to European strong-motion sites , 2013 .

[44]  T. Arai,et al.  Seismic tomography and geochemical evidence for lunar mantle heterogeneity: Comparing with Earth , 2012 .

[45]  Pierre-Yves Bard,et al.  Multicomponent Signal Processing for Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Estimation: Application to Seismic Hazard Assessment , 2012, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.

[46]  P. Lognonné,et al.  INSIGHT and single-station broadband seismology: From signal and noise to interior structure determination , 2012 .

[47]  W. Folkner,et al.  The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) for the InSight Mission to Mars , 2012 .

[48]  W. Banerdt,et al.  The InSight SEIS Experiment , 2012 .

[49]  Donat Fäh,et al.  The use of Rayleigh-wave ellipticity for site-specific hazard assessment and microzonation: application to the city of Lucerne, Switzerland , 2012 .

[50]  Christian Krause,et al.  InSight: Measuring the Martian Heat Flow Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP^3) , 2012 .

[51]  Malcolm Sambridge,et al.  Transdimensional inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion , 2012 .

[52]  Luca Guerrieri,et al.  Possible evidence of paleomarsquakes from fallen boulder populations, Cerberus Fossae, Mars , 2012 .

[53]  M. Knapmeyer,et al.  Interior structure of Mercury , 2012 .

[54]  P. Lognonné,et al.  Very preliminary reference Moon model , 2011 .

[55]  M. Knapmeyer Planetary core size: A seismological approach , 2011 .

[56]  Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma,et al.  A theory for microtremor H/V spectral ratio: application for a layered medium , 2011 .

[57]  B. Endrun Love wave contribution to the ambient vibration H/V amplitude peak observed with array measurements , 2011 .

[58]  Véronique Dehant,et al.  Geodesy constraints on the interior structure and composition of Mars , 2011 .

[59]  James Wookey,et al.  Seismic detection of meteorite impacts on Mars , 2011 .

[60]  Lars Stixrude,et al.  Thermodynamics of mantle minerals - II. Phase equilibria , 2011 .

[61]  Renee C. Weber,et al.  Seismic Detection of the Lunar Core , 2011, Science.

[62]  David L. Valentine,et al.  Seismic Detection of the Lunar Core , 2011 .

[63]  I. Jackson,et al.  Grainsize-sensitive viscoelastic relaxation in olivine: Towards a robust laboratory-based model for seismological application , 2010 .

[64]  Matthias Ohrnberger,et al.  On the repeatability and consistency of three-component ambient vibration array measurements , 2010 .

[65]  G. Roberts,et al.  Structural evolution of the Northern Cerberus Fossae graben system, Elysium Planitia, Mars , 2010 .

[66]  Alfred S. McEwen,et al.  The current martian cratering rate , 2010 .

[67]  Oded Aharonson,et al.  The production of small primary craters on Mars and the Moon , 2010, 1309.2849.

[68]  Donat Fäh,et al.  From Non-invasive Site Characterization to Site Amplification: Recent Advances in the Use of Ambient Vibration Measurements , 2010 .

[69]  C. Johnson,et al.  Moon meteoritic seismic hum: Steady state prediction , 2009 .

[70]  J. Vaucher,et al.  The volcanic history of central Elysium Planitia: Implications for martian magmatism , 2009 .

[71]  Andreas Fichtner,et al.  Full seismic waveform tomography for upper-mantle structure in the Australasian region using adjoint methods , 2009 .

[72]  James A. D. Connolly,et al.  The geodynamic equation of state: What and how , 2009 .

[73]  A. Deuss,et al.  Global Observations of Mantle Discontinuities Using SS and PP Precursors , 2009 .

[74]  Cécile Cornou,et al.  Single station determination of Rayleigh wave ellipticity by using the random decrement technique (RayDec) , 2009 .

[75]  L. Boschi,et al.  On mantle chemical and thermal heterogeneities and anisotropy as mapped by inversion of global surface wave data , 2009 .

[76]  B. Romanowicz,et al.  Measurement and implications of frequency dependence of attenuation , 2009 .

[77]  C. Thomas,et al.  Improving Seismic Resolution Through Array Processing Techniques , 2009 .

[78]  T. Gudkova,et al.  On models of Mars’ interior and amplitudes of forced nutations: 1. The effects of deviation of Mars from its equilibrium state on the flattening of the core–mantle boundary , 2009 .

[79]  Peter M. Shearer,et al.  Introduction to Seismology: Acknowledgment , 2009 .

[80]  T. Tanimoto,et al.  The noise cross‐correlation approach for Apollo 17 LSPE data: Diurnal change in seismic parameters in shallow lunar crust , 2008 .

[81]  W. Banerdt,et al.  Numerical assessment of the effects of topography and crustal thickness on martian seismograms using a coupled modal solution–spectral element method , 2008 .

[82]  D. Page Comment on "Athabasca Valles, Mars: A Lava-Draped Channel System" , 2008, Science.

[83]  Three‐dimensional VS profiling using microtremors in Kushiro, Japan , 2008 .

[84]  Marc Wathelet,et al.  An improved neighborhood algorithm: Parameter conditions and dynamic scaling , 2008 .

[85]  Cécile Cornou,et al.  Effects of Love Waves on Microtremor H/V Ratio , 2008 .

[86]  L. Rivera,et al.  The ZH ratio method for long-period seismic data: sensitivity kernels and observational techniques , 2008 .

[87]  Z. Xue,et al.  Case story: time-lapse seismic crosswell monitoring of CO2 injected in an onshore sandstone aquifer , 2008 .

[88]  Yutaka Nakamura ON THE H / V SPECTRUM , 2008 .

[89]  Alfred S. McEwen,et al.  Athabasca Valles, Mars: A Lava-Draped Channel System , 2007, Science.

[90]  P. Lognonné 10.03 – Planetary Seismology , 2015 .

[91]  J. Maclennan,et al.  Joint inversion of seismic and gravity data for lunar composition and thermal state , 2007 .

[92]  J. Connolly,et al.  Constraining the Composition and Thermal State of Mars , 2007 .

[93]  Kenneth S Edgett,et al.  Present-Day Impact Cratering Rate and Contemporary Gully Activity on Mars , 2006, Science.

[94]  T. Spohn,et al.  A seismic model of the lunar mantle and constraints on temperature and mineralogy , 2006 .

[95]  Ernst Hauber,et al.  Working models for spatial distribution and level of Mars' seismicity , 2006 .

[96]  Donat Fäh,et al.  H/V ratio: a tool for site effects evaluation. Results from 1-D noise simulations , 2006 .

[97]  M. Wieczorek,et al.  Lateral variations of lunar crustal thickness from the Apollo seismic data set , 2006 .

[98]  David P. O'Brien,et al.  The global effects of impact-induced seismic activity on fractured asteroid surface morphology , 2005 .

[99]  P. Lognonné,et al.  Constraints on the Martian lithosphere from gravity and topography data and implication for volcanism and possible mantle heterogeneities , 2005 .

[100]  S. Vinciguerra,et al.  Relating seismic velocities, thermal cracking and permeability in Mt. Etna and Iceland basalts , 2005 .

[101]  Eric Larose,et al.  Lunar subsurface investigated from correlation of seismic noise , 2005 .

[102]  Linda T. Elkins-Tanton,et al.  Early magnetic field and magmatic activity on Mars from magma ocean cumulate overturn , 2005 .

[103]  James A. D. Connolly,et al.  Computation of phase equilibria by linear programming: A tool for geodynamic modeling and its application to subduction zone decarbonation , 2005 .

[104]  David E. Smith,et al.  Improved estimate of tidal dissipation within Mars from MOLA observations of the shadow of Phobos , 2005 .

[105]  N. Theodulidis,et al.  Ambient noise horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio in site effects estimation and correlation with seismic damage distribution in urban environment: the case of the city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) , 2005 .

[106]  William K. Hartmann,et al.  Martian cratering 8: Isochron refinement and the chronology of Mars , 2005 .

[107]  J. Sleewaegen,et al.  Interior structure of terrestrial planets : Modeling Mars' mantle and its electromagnetic, geodetic, and seismic properties , 2005 .

[108]  Yosio Nakamura,et al.  Farside deep moonquakes and deep interior of the Moon , 2005 .

[109]  Matthias Ohrnberger,et al.  Surface-wave inversion using a direct search algorithm and its application to ambient vibration measurements , 2004 .

[110]  Frank Scherbaum,et al.  Love’s formula and H/V-ratio (ellipticity) of Rayleigh waves , 2004 .

[111]  T. Gudkova,et al.  Mars: interior structure and excitation of free oscillations , 2004 .

[112]  C. Hugues,et al.  Lateral Variations of Lunar Crustal Thickness , 2004 .

[113]  Maria T. Zuber,et al.  Thickness of the Martian crust: Improved constraints from geoid-to-topography ratios , 2004 .

[114]  David E. Smith,et al.  Crustal structure of Mars from gravity and topography , 2004 .

[115]  Linda T. Elkins-Tanton,et al.  Magma ocean fractional crystallization and cumulate overturn in terrestrial planets: Implications for Mars , 2003 .

[116]  Philippe Lognonné,et al.  A new seismic model of the Moon: implications for structure, thermal evolution and formation of the Moon , 2003 .

[117]  Thorne Lay,et al.  Quantitative Seismology, Second Edition , 2003 .

[118]  Frank Scherbaum,et al.  Determination of shallow shear wave velocity profiles in the Cologne, Germany area using ambient vibrations , 2003 .

[119]  V. Dehant,et al.  Tidally induced surface displacements, external potential variations, and gravity variations on Mars , 2003 .

[120]  S. Murty,et al.  Precursors of Mars: Constraints from nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of martian meteorites , 2003 .

[121]  M. Ritzwoller,et al.  Monte-Carlo inversion for a global shear-velocity model of the crust and upper mantle , 2002 .

[122]  A. McEwen,et al.  Repeated Aqueous Flooding from the Cerberus Fossae: Evidence for Very Recently Extant, Deep Groundwater on Mars , 2002 .

[123]  D. Komatitsch,et al.  Spectral-element simulations of global seismic wave propagation: II. Three-dimensional models, oceans, rotation and self-gravitation , 2002 .

[124]  Klaus Mosegaard,et al.  An inquiry into the lunar interior: A nonlinear inversion of the Apollo lunar seismic data , 2002 .

[125]  D. Komatitsch,et al.  Spectral-element simulations of global seismic wave propagation—I. Validation , 2002 .

[126]  K. Aki,et al.  Quantitative Seismology, 2nd Ed. , 2002 .

[127]  P. Lognonné,et al.  First seismic receiver functions on the Moon , 2001 .

[128]  Donat Fäh,et al.  A theoretical investigation of average H/V ratios , 2001 .


[130]  Vadim Levin,et al.  Receiver Functions from Multiple-Taper Spectral Correlation Estimates , 2000 .

[131]  L. Rivera,et al.  The NetLander very broad band seismometer , 2000 .

[132]  Charles J. Ammon,et al.  Lithospheric Structure of the Arabian Shield from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface-Wave Dispersion Observations , 2000 .

[133]  Kaare Lund Rasmussen,et al.  A new seismic velocity model for the Moon from a Monte Carlo inversion of the Apollo lunar seismic data , 2000 .

[134]  V. Farra,et al.  Upper mantle stratification by P and S receiver functions , 2000 .

[135]  Peter M. Shearer,et al.  Introduction to Seismology , 2019 .

[136]  D. Komatitsch,et al.  Introduction to the spectral element method for three-dimensional seismic wave propagation , 1999 .

[137]  Charles J. Ammon,et al.  Iterative deconvolution and receiver-function estimation , 1999 .

[138]  M. Sambridge Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm—I. Searching a parameter space , 1999 .

[139]  A. Jambon,et al.  A simple chondritic model of Mars , 1999 .



[142]  Naoki Kobayashi,et al.  Continuous excitation of planetary free oscillations by atmospheric disturbances , 1998, Nature.

[143]  C P McKay,et al.  A sophisticated lander for scientific exploration of Mars: scientific objectives and implementation of the Mars-96 Small Station. , 1998, Planetary and space science.

[144]  B. Fegley,et al.  An Oxygen Isotope Model for the Composition of Mars , 1997 .

[145]  Tilman Spohn,et al.  The interior structure of Mars: Implications from SNC meteorites , 1997 .

[146]  Philippe Lognonné,et al.  Ultra broad band seismology on InterMarsNet , 1996 .

[147]  C. Sotin,et al.  Theoretical seismic models of Mars : the importance of the iron content of the mantle , 1996 .

[148]  Albert Tarantola,et al.  Monte Carlo sampling of solutions to inverse problems , 1995 .

[149]  T. Lay,et al.  Modern Global Seismology , 1995 .

[150]  T. Jowett An investigation of the geotechnical properties of loess from Canterbury and Marlborough , 1995 .

[151]  Harry Y. McSween,et al.  What we have learned about Mars from SNC meteorites , 1994 .

[152]  Francisco J. Chávez-García,et al.  Are microtremors useful in site response evaluation , 1994 .

[153]  M. Golombek Constraints on the Largest Marsquake , 1994 .

[154]  Pierre-Yves Bard,et al.  Numerical and Theoretical Investigations on the Possibilities and Limitations of Nakamura's Technique , 1994 .

[155]  P. Davis Meteoroid Impacts as Seismic Sources on Mars , 1993 .

[156]  T. Gudkova,et al.  On the dissipative factor of the Martian interiors , 1993 .

[157]  B. Mosser,et al.  Planetary seismology , 1993 .

[158]  Kenneth L. Tanaka,et al.  A Prediction of Mars Seismicity from Surface Faulting , 1992, Science.

[159]  B. Kennett,et al.  The removal of free surface interactions from three-component seismograms , 1991 .

[160]  J. Plescia Recent flood lavas in the Elysium region of Mars , 1990 .

[161]  G. Randall,et al.  On the nonuniqueness of receiver function inversions , 1990 .


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