Simplified Algorithm for Out-of-Plane Critical Loads of CFST Solid-Rib Arch

The simplified algorithm for out-of-plane ultimate loadcarrying capacity of concrete-filled steel tubular( CFST) solid-rib arches under uniform vertical load was studied. The experimentally validated finite element model was developed. The out-of-plane equivalent length coefficients of solid-rib arches were obtained using out-of-plane elastic eigenvalue buckling analysis. Then the out-ofplane elastic stability coefficient was plotted against the normalized slenderness ratio,and the out-of-plane eigenvalue buckling load or elastic buckling capability of arches was calculated. Lastly effects of different parameters on the out-of-plane ultimate load-carrying capacity of CFST solid-rib arches were determined using geometric and material nonlinear finite element analysis, and a simplified algorithm was established by fitting the out-of-plane elastic-plastic stability coefficient and normalized slenderness ratio using PerryRobertson formula. Ratio of the elastic stability coefficient to the elastic-plastic counterpart was plotted against the out-of-plane normalized slenderness ratio,from which the out-of-plane elasticplastic ultimate load-carrying capacity was determined according to the corresponding elastic buckling load. Results show that the proposed simplified algorithm can accurately predict the out-of-plane eigenvalue buckling load and the elastic-plastic ultimate loadcarrying capacity of the CFST solid-rib arches.