Approximate Empirical Bayes for Deep Neural Networks

min W,a min Ωr,Ωc 1 2 |ŷ(W, a)− y|2 + λ||Ω1/2 r WΩ1/2 c ||F − λ (d log det(Ωr) + p log det(Ωc)) subject to uIp Ωr vIp, uId Ωc vId • Ωr := Σ−1 c and Ωc := Σ−1 c are the corresponding precision matrices. Block Coordinate Ascent Algorithm: Input: Initial value w0 := {a(0),W (0)}, Ω(0) r and Ω(0) c , first-order optimization algorithm A, constants 0 < u ≤ v. 1: for t = 1, . . . ,∞ until convergence do 2: Fix Ω(t−1) r , Ω(t−1) c , optimize w(t) by backpropagation and algorithm A 3: Ω(t) r ← InvThresholding(W (t)Ω(t−1) c W (t)T , d, u, v) 4: Ω(t) c ← InvThresholding(W (t)TΩ(t) r W (t), p, u, v) 5: end for

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