Cultivating Personalized Museum Tours Online and On-Site

Abstract Web 2.0 — the perceived second generation of the World Wide Web that aims to improve collaboration, sharing of information and interoperability — enables increasing access to digital collections of museums. The expectation is that more and more people will spend time preparing their visit before actually visiting the museum and look for related information reflecting on what they have seen or missed after visiting the museum. It can also be expected that museum curators want to enhance visitors' museum experiences in the more personalized, intensive and engaging way promised by an improved Web. In other words, to keep their visitors, they should adopt an immersive museum environment that combines the museum Web site (online) with the physical museum space (on-site). In this context, the CHIP (Cultural Heritage Information Presentation) project offers tools to the users to be their own curators, e.g. browsing the online collections, planning a personalized museum tour suiting their art interests, getting some recommendations about interesting artworks to see, and quickly finding their ways in the museum. In this paper, we present the new additions to the CHIP tools, which target such functionality: a Web-based museum Tour Wizard based on the user's interests and the Mobile Guide that converts the tours to a mobile device (PDA) used in the physical museum space. To connect the user's various interactions with these tools online and on-site, we built a dynamic user model. Online, the user model stores the user's personal background, ratings of artworks and art concepts, recommended or created museum tours. On-site, it is a conversion of the online user model stored in RDF into XML format which the mobile guide can parse. When the user rates artworks inside the physical museum, the on-site user model is updated and when the tour is finished, it is synchronized with the online user model. In such a way, we support a 'virtuous circle' of the museum visit, which links the personalized museum experiences both online and on-site.