Objective: to analyze the development of audit in nursing with investigation of methods, purposes, indicators, conceptions and expectations in public and private health institutions. Method: exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach and carried out through semi-structured interviews with five auditor nurses. Interviews were analyzed by the content analysis technique. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee CAAE 13182213.5.0000.5188. Results: thematic units enabled the construction of the following categories of analysis: methods of nursing audit process; indicators of nursing audit process; purposes of audit process in nursing; conception on audit in nursing; expectation for audit in nursing. Conclusion: differences in methods, indicators and audit process purposes were observed between public and private institutions. The importance and tendency to growth is evident in conceptions and expectations. Descriptors: Nursing; Nursing audit; Quality of Health Care. RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o desenvolvimento da auditoria em enfermagem, investigando métodos, finalidades, indicadores, concepções e expectativas, em instituições pública e privadas de saúde. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco enfermeiros auditores. As entrevistas foram analisadas pela técnica da análise de conteúdo. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa CAAE 13182213.5.0000.5188. Resultados: as unidades temáticas possibilitaram a construção das seguintes categorias de análise: métodos do processo de auditoria em enfermagem; indicadores do processo de auditoria em enfermagem; finalidades do processo de auditoria em enfermagem; concepção sobre a auditoria em enfermagem; expectativa para a auditoria em enfermagem. Conclusão: entre as instituições pública e privadas há diferenças quanto aos métodos, indicadores e finalidades do processo de auditoria. Com relação às concepções e expectativas, observa-se importância e tendência ao seu crescimento. Descritores: Enfermagem; Auditoria de Enfermagem; Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el desarrollo de la auditoría en la enfermería, investigando métodos, finalidades, indicadores, concepciones y expectativas, en instituciones públicas y privadas de salud. Método: estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, realizado mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas con cinco enfermeros auditores. Las entrevistas fueron analizadas por la técnica del análisis de contenido. El proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación CAAE 13182213.5.0000.5188. Resultados: las unidades temáticas posibilitaron la construcción de las siguientes categorías de análisis: métodos del proceso de auditoría en enfermería; indicadores del proceso de auditoría en enfermería; finalidades del proceso de auditoría y enfermería; concepción sobre la auditoría en enfermería; expectativa para la auditoría en enfermería. Conclusión: entre las instituciones públicas y privadas hay diferencias entre los métodos, indicadores y finalidades del proceso de auditoría. Con relación a las concepciones y expectativas, se observó importancia y tendencia de su crecimiento. Descriptores: Enfermería; Auditoría de Enfermería; Calidad de la Asistencia a la Salud. Nurse, Master, Adjunct Professor, Department of Clinical Nursing, Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Public Health/NESC, Member of the Group for Study and Research on Administration and Information Technology in Health/GEPAIE/CCS/Federal University of Paraíba/UFPB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. E-mail: alvarengajose@yahoo.com.br; Nurse, Auditor, Emergency and Trauma Hospital Senador Humberto Lucena, State Health Department of Paraiba/SES-PB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. E-mail: f3lip3_vi3ira@hotmail.com; Student, Graduate Program in Nursing, Researcher of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation PIVIC / UFPB, Health Sciences Center, Federal University of Paraíba/CCS/UFPB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. E-mail: Humbertohugo_92@hotmail.com; Nurse, Master, Assistant II Professor of the Department of Clinical Nursing, Health Sciences Center, Federal University of Paraíba/CCS/UFPB, João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. E-mail: stellacvadevino@yahoo.com.br; Nurse, Master Professor of the Department of Clinical Nursing, Clinics, Health Sciences Center, Federal University of Paraíba/CCS/UFPB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. E-mail: jamiltonfarias@ig.com.br; Nurse, PhD. Professor, Department of Clinical Nursing and Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Paraíba/PPGENF/CCS/UFPB. João Pessoa (PB), Brazil. João Pessoa (PB), Brasil. E-mail: wilmadias@ccs.ufpb.br ORIGINAL ARTICLE Alvarenga JPO, Almeida FVH, Andrade WWN. Audit in nursing: process analysis, conceptions... English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 9(11):9755-62, Nov., 2015 9756 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.8008-72925-1-ED.0911201515 Historical records on audit process emphasize its realization in the accounting field. In contemporary times there has been an expansion of this practice in the evaluation and analysis of work performed in other professional areas, such as health care and consequently, nursing. Nursing experiences a context of globalized changes where new perspectives to the action of nurses are envisioned based on a reflective critical knowledge and practice, fundamental to its development. Thus, the nurse professional must be able to face the challenges of the profession, specifically in the managerial sector, seeking new approaches such as participatory management and programs of quality, which are the central focus of the audit process. The Auditor Nurse, when exercising his/her functions, must have a holistic vision as management quality, service quality and economic-financial quantum, always bearing in mind the human wellbeing as patient/client. Audit process in nursing must be conducted with the main objective to contribute to the quality of health care to service users, an efficient and effective tool of evaluation and analysis of the work done by professionals. Methods adopted and indicators to be analyzed during the audit in nursing are key elements to detect problems in the management of services and consequent practice in health care. Based on the problems identified, it may be possible to develop strategies that attempt to minimize observed unconformities by implementing actions to resolve and prevent future problems. Notably, development of audit process in nursing practice is not part of the vocational training. Moreover, lack of bibliographic material related to this theme it is evident, thus making the knowledge of the future nursing professional in this field of activity
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