Blind super-resolution considering a point spread function of a pushbroom sattelite imaging system

A micro-satellite named “HODOYOSI-1” is a 50-kg-weight small remote sensing satellite. It has a pushbroom imaging system in multi-spectral-band: Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B), and two Near infrared (NIR). It is expected that, using super-resolution framework, high-resolution images are obtained from images acquired by two NIR sensors. In the process of super-resolution, it is necessary to estimate sub-pixel shifts and blur kernels of input images. Although pushbroom systems have different blur properties from normal camera systems, it has always been ignored in super-resolution for satellite images. To improve the results of super-resolution applied to pushbroom images, a new blur model, which is more suitable for pushbroom systems, are proposed. The validity of the new blur model is shown by computer simulations and experiments.