해상풍력 풍력시스템의 관리능력 향상을 위한 데이터베이스 설계에 관한 연구

As for the present wind power industry, most of the computerization for monitoring and control is based on the traditional development methodology, but it is necessary to improve SCADA system since it has a phenomenon of backlog accumulation in the applicable aspect of back-data as well as in the operational aspect in the future. Especially for a system like offshore wind power where a superintendent cannot reside, it is desirable to operate a remote control system. Therefore, it is essential to establish a monitoring system with appropriate control and monitoring inevitably premised on the integrity and independence of data. As a result, a study was carried out on the modeling of offshore wind power data-centered database. In this paper, a logical data modeling method was proposed and designed to establish the database of offshore wind power. In order for designing the logical data modeling of an offshore wind power system, this study carried out an analysis of design elements for the database of offshore wind power and described considerations and problems as well. Through a comparative analysis of the final database of the newly-designed off-shore wind power system against the existing SCADA System, this study proposed a new direction to bring about progress toward a smart wind power system, showing a possibility of a service-oriented smart wind power system, such as future prediction, hindrance-cause examination and fault analyses, through the database integrating various control signals, geographical information and data about surrounding environments.