Decision aids for tunnel exploration

Tunnels are subsurface passages which are often constructed without removing the overlying rock or soil. It follows that the lack of a priori knowledge of subsurface conditions poses major challenges in their preliminary design and planning. Considerable construction savings may be achieved through the proper collection and interpretation of information obtained through site exploration. However, exploration results are often not completely reliable and site exploration in itself involves a cost. Exploration planning is therefore a process of decision making under uncertainty. Einstein et al (1978) provide a model that applies decision analysis to the tunnel exploration problem. This thesis first describes the model devised by Einstein et al and provides numerical techniques for implementing it in a programming package. A package in Visual Basic for Applications is presented which implements the model for a generic tunnel. The thesis concludes by applying the devised package to the North Kenmore Tunnel (Washington State). Thesis Supervisor: Herbert Einstein Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the people who have made my stay at MIT an extremely enjoyable, educational, and intellectually intriguing experience. First and foremost I would like to thank Professor Einstein, who served as my inspirational professor in my undergraduate years and later as my advisor in my graduate years. Throughout these years, his guidance, unquestioned support, and invaluable insights have been instrumental to my education and more importantly to shaping my character. Thanks to all the professors at MIT who I've had the honor and privilege of meeting and working with. Their enthusiasm, intelligence, and love for academia are contagious and inspirational. Most notably Professor Ulm, Professor Whittle, Professor Osgood, Professor Connor, Professor Wierzbicki, and Professor Veneziano. I would also like to thank my brother Karim without whom none of what I have achieved so far would have been possible. Thanks Karim for being such a great role-model. I owe all my academic and non-academic achievements to you. I would like to thank Meesh and Nardoz for their everlasting friendships, the meaningless and meaningful conversations, the laughter we shared, and their support when I needed it most. Thank you to my late friend Othman Barud for all the dreams we dreamt and the aspirations we set. I would like to thank my love, Ana, for her love, support (both emotional and technical), and understanding. In particular thank you for helping in the design and implementation of the model. Thank you Ziad and Bassam, it is great to have two more brothers (I will leave it at that). Finally, I would like to thank my family: Simon, who I strive to be like; my mom, who I strive to love like; Branssoos who has stood by my side and on my side through the hard times; Maplone for all her love, the midnight snacks, the toilet paper, the midnight laughter and tears; Kixters for being Kixters. This is for you guys.