Quantification and parameterization of non-linearity effects by higher order sensitivity terms in scattered light Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy

Abstract. We address the application of Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) of scattered light observations in the presence of strong absorbers (in particular ozone), for which the absorption optical depth is a non-linear function of the trace gas concentration. This is the case, because Beer-Lambert law generally does not hold for scattered light measurements due to many light paths contributing to the measurement. While in many cases linear approximation can be made, for scenarios with strong absorptions non-linear effects cannot always be neglected. This is especially the case for observation geometries, 5 for which the light contributing to the measurement is crossing the atmosphere under spatially well separated paths differing strongly in length and location, like e.g. in limb geometry. In these cases, often full retrieval algorithms are applied to address the non-linearities requiring iterative forward modelling of absorption spectra involving time consuming wavelength by wavelength radiative transfer modelling. In this study, we propose to describe the non-linear effects by additional sensitivity parameters that can be used e.g. to build up a look up table. Together with widely used box air mass factors (effective light 10 paths) describing the linear response to the increase in the trace gas amount, the higher order sensitivity parameters eliminate the need for repeating the radiative transfer modelling when modifying the absorption scenario even in presence of a strong absorption background. While the higher order absorption structures can be described as separate fit parameters in the spectral analysis (so called DOAS fit), in practice their quantitative evaluation requires good measurement quality (typically better than that available from current measurements). Therefore, we introduce an iterative retrieval algorithm correcting for the higher or15 der absorption structures not yet considered in the DOAS fit as well as the absorption dependence on temperature and scattering processes.

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