Market-based instruments for environmental management : politics and institutions
Market-based instruments in environmental policies - the lessons of experience, Rolf-Ulruch Sprenger designing and introducing green taxes - institutional dimensions, Mikael Skou Andersen environmental innovations from the standpoint of policy analysis - from an instrumental to a strategic approach in environmental policy, Martin Janicke what the doctor should know - politicians are special patients -on the impact of the policy making process on the design of economic instruments, Hans Th. A. Bressers and Dave Huitema dialogue and economic efficiency - two antagonistic goals for environmental policy-making? Lessons from the French packaging waste management system, Olivier Godard efficiency and fairness - the Norwegian experience with agri-environmental taxation, Arild Vatn explaining why the Swedes but not the Danes tax fertilizers - a comparison of policy networks and political parties, Carsten Daugbjerg considering feasibility and efficiency - the Danish mix of CO2 taxes and agreements, Martin Enevoldsen and Stefan Brendstrup the limitations of economic instruments as stimuli for technical change, technological change and innovation, Dominic Hogg a socio-economic evaluation of the sox-charge in Japan, Yu Matsuno and Kazuhiro Ueta assessing the efficiency of economic instruments - reforming the French agencies de l'eau, Bernaud Barraque the Danish waste tax - the role of institutions for the implementation and effectiveness of economic instruments, Mikael Skou Andersen.