Monte Carlo simulation-based customer service reliability assessment

In order to assess the reliability of distribution systems, more and more researchers are directing their attention to the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method, and several reliability indices have been proposed, such as basic load point indices and system performance indices. This paper presents these indices using the MCS method for five distribution systems associated with an educational test system designated RBTS. Four possible probability distributions of times to repair (TTR) and times to switching (TTS) of components are incorporated in the simulation studies. These indices, however, cannot directly provide us with information about customer service reliability. Based on the study of probability distribution of basic load point, a new index describing the customer reliability is proposed. The reliability of various customers such as residential, commercial and large industrial users, etc. of RBTS are calculated. All the information obtained from such studies can be used by Public Utility Commissions to determine the quality of service, conduct cost/benefit analysis and even to impact rate-making decisions.