Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Ship Hull Girder Historical Review And State of the Art
This paper introduces the historical matters and state of the art regarding the research works on the ultimate longitudinal strength of a ship’s hull girder. At first, it describes how the longitudinal strength assessment started, and past experimental works on full-scale and small-scale hull girders applying longitudinal bending load are introduced. Then, the paper explains how the yielding and buckling affect the progressive collapse behaviour of a cross-section of a ship’s hull under longitudinal bending, showing the results of example calculations. The methods of analysis as well as research works on ultimate longitudinal strength and progressive collapse behaviour of a ship’s hull are reviewed, and some important results are introduced. At the end, benchmark calculation on progressive collapse behaviour under longitudinal bending is described. *ISOPE Member. Received March 17, 1998: revised manuscript received by the editors December 15, 1998. The original version (prior to the final revised manuscript) was presented at the Eighth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-98), Montréal, Canada, May 2429, 1998.