Performance Evaluation andAnalytical Modeling ofNovelDynamicCall Admission Control Schemefor3GandBeyondCellular Wireless Networks

The wide-band codedivision multiple access (WCDMA)based 3Gandbeyond cellular mobile wireless networks areexpected toprovide a diverse rangeof multimedia services tomobile userswithguaranteed quality ofservice (QoS). Themaincontribution ofthis paperistodesign andanalyze anovel dynamic priority calladmission control (DP-CAC) thatcanbeableto achieve abetter balance between system utilization and quality ofservice provisioning. Moreimportantly, the analytical modelofthis system isvalidfor thereal-time (RT)andnon-real-time (NRT)calls having different bitrate(i.e. different bandwidth requirements), channel holding time,timeout,andE1JNO requirements. Its performance iscomparedwithanother two call admission control strategies, referred toasthecomplete partitioning CAC (CP-CAC) andthequeuing priority CAC(QP-CAC). TheDP-CACanalytical modelcanbe usedeasily toderive theanalytical modeloftheQP-CAC andtotheCP-CAC.Wepresent numerical examples to demonstrate theperformance oftheproposed CAC algorithms andweshowthatanalytical andsimulation results areintotal agreement. Results alsoindicate the superiority ofDP-CACasitisabletoachieve abetter balance between system utilization andquality ofservice provisioning.

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