Web Enabling HLA Compliant Simulations to Support Network Centric Applications

Abstract : The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) is defined as a modeling-&-simulation-tailored set of self-consistent standards, processes and practices employing a set of web based technologies and services to enable a new generation of Internet-distributed applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. One of the earliest XMSF uses web services to web enable the Defense Modeling & Simulation Office (DMSO)/SAIC High Level Architecture (HLA) Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) enabling communication between federates in an existing federation. As a result, existing federates and federations can be web enabled rapidly, in some cases just by relinking the federate with the Web Enabled RTI libraries instead of the standard RTI libraries. The resulting federate connects to a web server over the Internet, communicating with a federation that is unaware that the federate is not local. The Web Enabled RTI is an excellent example of the application of web technologies to the problem of making modeling and simulation capabilities available in a network centric environment, supporting the operational warfighter with network centric modeling and simulation tools.