Application of NASTRAN/COSMIC in the analysis of ship structures to underwater explosion shock

This paper presents the application of NASTRAN/COSMIC in predicting the transient motion of ship structures to underwater non-contact explosions. Examples illustrate the finite element models, mathematical formulations of loading functions and, where available, comparisons between analytical and experimental results. One example shows the use of NASTRAN/COSMIC coupled with a structure/water interaction theory to predict early time dynamic response of the USS YORKTOWN during shock trials in 1984. Another example is the analysis of a MK-45 gun conducted in support of the Ship Systems Engineering Standards (SSES) program. Use of the substructuring feature of NASTRAN/COSMIC in the analysis of the Vertical Launch Missile System is illustrated for the recently constructed USS MOBILE BAY. Another example illustrates the analyses of two mast structures on the USS KAUFMANN. Finally, an example of the analysis of a SWATH structure is presented.