ABSTRACT Cogeneration i.e. combined heat and electrical power generation, using one or more sources of energy, is gaining new interest from the energy conservation and efficiency points of view. In short, it allows to do work from the same primary energy twice or thrice thereby making significant gains in efficiency. The paper examines the technological and economical aspects of cogeneration as well as the available options. Industries which generate considerable amounts of process steam are encouraged to use their excess steam and waste heat for cogeneration purposes. Large manufacturers of power equipment are offering plant packages and creative financing for encouraging cogeneration. Long-term cogeneration planning involves careful assessment of resources and demands as well as cost-benefit analysis of plant mixes. At the operating stage, it needs continued monitoring of sometimes competing processes for optimum results. Variables pertinent to the planning and control of cogeneration are shown. An “integrated approach” is recommended for optimization. Main features of integrated approach are defined. Scientific and technical tools used in integrated approach are indicated. System analysis methodology and critical elements in cogeneration planning are illustrated. A flow chart for optimum cogeneration plant mix simulation is given.