Quotology - Reading Between the Lines of Quotations

A quote is short eloquent sentence/s drawn from long experience. Quotes are full of poetry, abstraction in the form of restrained information, hidden significance and objective, and pragmatic twists. While a quote explanation always in elaborate form with more sentences than the quote, both of them convey the same concept or meaning. However, systematic study to understand linguistic structures and interpretation of quotes has not received much research attention till date. To this end we have developed a corpus of English quotes and their interpretations in elaborated forms. Finally, we proposed an automatic approach to recognize Textual Entailment (TE) between English quote and its explanation where quote has been considered as the text (T) and its explanation/interpretation has been considered as hypothesis (H). We have tested various linguistic features including lexical, syntactic, and semantic cues and also tried word-to-vector similarity measure using deep learning approach on quote-explanation to identify TE relation.