Plutonic processes in transitional oceanic plateau crust: Structure, age and emplacement of the South Rallier du Baty laccolith, Kerguelen Islands

The syenitic rocks of South Rallier du Baty Intrusive Complex (SRBIC) represent intrusions into the oceanic plateau basalts of the south‐western Kerguelen Islands. The SRBIC was previously interpreted as a typical ring complex due to magma emplacement with cauldron subsidence. Our new structural and geochronological data reveal that it is a laccolith built between 11.6 and 7.9 Ma by successive injections of magma sheets around the crust–mantle boundary, with an average injection rate between 0.8 and 1.4 × 10−4 km3/year. These results establish strong similarities between the SRBIC, the only recorded example of a felsic laccolith in an oceanic intraplate setting, and many continental plutons emplaced in various geodynamic setting. The SRBIC thus has the characteristics of a continental plutonic complex emplaced in an oceanic plateau crust. We postulate the critical parameter relevant to causing such similarities and plutonic magmatism is crustal thickness.

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