Motion Parameters of a Mechanical Shaking Table and an Application

Bu calismada, Pamukkale Universitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi Jeoloji Muhendisligi Bolumu bunyesinde tasarlanmis ve bir uretici firmaya yaptirilmis olan 1.5x1.0 m ebatlarindaki sarsma masasi tanitilmis ve uretilebilen hareket parametrelerine deginilmistir. Farkli muhendislik amaclari dogrultusunda, depremlerin etkisiyle meydana gelen dinamik etkinin laboratuvar kosullarinda modellenebilmesi icin sarsma masalari kullanilmaktadir. Buyuk boyutlu sarsma masalari, yuksek guc kapasiteli ve cok hizli hareket edebilen hidrolik sistemlerle calismakta ve cok yuksek maliyetlere ulasmaktadir. Bunun yaninda kucuk boyutlu ve uzerinde cesitli model deneylerinin yapilabildigi ve farkli egitim amaclari dogrultusunda kullanilabilen dusuk maliyetli sarsma masalari yaygin olarak kullanilmaya baslamistir. Bu calismada tanitilan tek yonlu, hareketini elektrik motorundan alan sarsma masasi ile elde edilebilen, hiz, ivme, frekans ve periyot degerlerine deginilmistir. Ornek bir uygulama olarak laboratuvar kosullarinda artan taban ivmesi etkisinde duzlemsel kayma yuzeyi iceren ve dogal malzeme ile olusturulmus bir blogun kayma hareketi izlenmistir. 3 farkli egim miktari icin deney tekrarlanmistir. Harekete neden olan kritik ivme deneysel olarak belirlenmis ayrica sayisal olarak hesaplanarak olculen ve hesaplanan degerler karsilastirilmistir. In this study, 1.5x1.0 m dimensioned shaking table which was designed and built by Geological Engineering Department of Pamukkale University Engineering Faculty is introduced and produced motion parameters are discussed. In order to determine the different engineering purposed model behaviors under earthquake induced dynamic loads, shaking tables are used in laboratory conditions. High power capacity and fast hydraulic systems are needed for large shaking table facilities and this makes them very expensive. However small scaled economical shaking tables are getting used in different purposes such as model tests and educational demonstrations. Velocity, acceleration, frequency and period values of this electric motor driven unidirectional shaking table which was introduced in this study were calculated. Finally as an example application, a block which is consisted of natural material and has a planar sliding surface, attached on shaking table and displacement of the block with increasing base acceleration was monitored. Critical acceleration for the sliding block was experimentally determined. Tests were repeated in three different slope angles. Displacements were also calculated and measured and calculated block displacement values were compared. Anahtar kelimeler: Sarsma masasi, Model deneyler, Ivme.