Walking through CS AKTive Space: a demonstration of an integrated Semantic Web application

We describe CS AKTive Space, an integrated semantic web application and winner of the 2003 Semantic Web Challenge [http://www.challenge.semanticweb.org/]. A demonstration of the application is available at http://cs.aktivespace.org/. CS AKTive Space represents and integrates a wide range of heterogenous resources representing the computer science domain in the UK; it supports the exploration of patterns and implications inherent in the content and exploits a variety of services, visualisations and multidimensional representations to support questions like who is working with whom, where are there geographical concentrations in funding or research area, who are the most significant researchers in an area. We briefly show how this demonstration illustrates a number of substantial challenges for the Semantic Web. These include problems of referential integrity, tractable inference and interaction support. We review our approaches to these issues and discuss relevant related work.