TENEX is a new time sharing system implemented on a DEC PDP-10 augmented by special paging hardware developed at BBN. This report specified a set of goals which are important for any time sharing system. It describes how the TENEX design and implementation achieve these goals. These include specifications for a powerful multiprocess large memory virtual machine, intimate terminal interaction, comprehensive uniform file and I/O capabilities, and clean flexible system structure. Although the implementation described here required some compromise to achieve a system operational within six months of hardware checkout, TENEX has met its major goals and provided reliable service at several sites and through the ARPA network.
Robert C. Daley,et al.
An experimental time-sharing system
AIEE-IRE '62 (Spring).
Butler W. Lampson,et al.
A user machine in a time-sharing system
Peter J. Denning,et al.
Equipment Configuration in Balanced Computer Systems
IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Michael J. Spier,et al.
The multics interprocess communication facility
SOSP '69.
Daniel G. Bobrow,et al.
TENEX, a paged time sharing system for the PDP - 10
S. Schwartz,et al.
Properties of the working-set model