Fresh water mussels (order Unionoida) have one of the important biological roles for river ecosystems. However, abundance and habitat range of Unionoida are drastically decreasing, because of environmental change based on many artificial river works, such as over riverbed excavation and loss of floodplain habitat. There are three Unionoida species in the Matsuura river, and one lentic species (Anodouta lauta) has been dominantly decreased over the past 50 years. As they have low mobility, Unionoida are strongly affected by physical environmental change of river. In this study, we focused attention on the hydraulic characteristics of Unionoida in flowing water condition, and conducted some hydraulic experiment to three Unionoida species. The result indicated that lentic species (Anodonta lauta) was easily affected by flowing water than lotic species (Unio douglasiae nipponensis, Lanceolaria grayana). And the result suggested that hydraulic characteristic of Unionoida was one of the reason that caused a decrement of lentic Unionoida species in the Matsuura river.
根岸 淳二郎,et al.
指標・危急生物としてのイシガイ目二枚貝 : 生息環境の劣化プロセスと再生へのアプローチ
Larry J. Weber,et al.
Effects of substrate and hydrodynamic conditions on the formation of mussel beds in a large river
Journal of the North American Benthological Society.
K. Cuffey,et al.
Freshwater Mussels in a California North Coast Range River: Occurrence, Distribution, and Controls
Journal of the North American Benthological Society.
P. J. Boon,et al.
The effects of a major flood on an endangered freshwater mussel population
David L. Strayer,et al.
Use of Flow Refuges by Unionid Mussels in Rivers
Journal of the North American Benthological Society.
D. Strayer,et al.
Microhabitat Use by an Assemblage of Stream-Dwelling Unionaceans (Bivalvia), including Two Rare Species of Alasmidonta
Journal of the North American Benthological Society.