Agent Component Reuse Based on Semantics Concept Similarity

In a certain field, there is a need to create a large number of agent components, so there may be insufficient agent resources. In other words, there are a lot of tasks that need to be solved by Agent software in a certain period of time. At this time, the solution tree or mesh structure that have been completed tasks are put into the queue. Each time a new task is processed, all tree or mesh structure completed tasks in the queue are traversed from the root node, if there is a node in the queue are highly similar with the new task node. The node is directly used to solve the new task node without to create new Agent component. This paper proposes a tree structure based method for computing the similarity of ontology concepts to reuse Agent component. The experimental results show that this method effectively utilizes the semantic information of ontology concepts and obtains reasonable calculation results, thus reducing the creation of Agents.