w x The theory of MV-algebras, developed by C. C. Chang 8, 9 first w x appeared in 1958. Several years later Zadeh 14 published his fundamental paper on fuzzy set theory. The two theories had independent motivations. MV-algebras were developed to provide an algebraic proof of the completeness theorem for Łukasiewicz infinite valued propositional logic. Fuzzy set theory was proposed to provide a mathematical basis for sets where, in reality, set membership was vague. The logic of Łukasiewicz includes in some sense two valued classical logic; fuzzy set theory includes the usual two valued characteristic functions. Thus both theories are extensions of classical logic. Both of the above theories use as a basis of interpretation the real unit w x w x interval 0, 1 . The basic MV-algebraic operations on 0, 1 are a [ b s Ž . Ž . U min 1, a q b , a ? b s max 0, a q b y 1 , and a s 1 y a. The basic fuzzy w x Ž . theoretic operations on 0, 1 suggested by Zadeh are a k b s max a, b , Ž . U a n b s min a, b , and a s 1 y a. Now the operations k and n can be defined in terms of [ and U , thus the Łukasiewicz operations are more general and include the basic fuzzy operations. By pointwise extension we obtain, given an arbitrary set X / B, two w x X U algebraic structures on 0, 1 , say A determined by [, ?, and A 1 2 determined by k, n, . A is an MV-algebra and is often referred to as 1 the bold algebra of fuzzy subsets of X. A is the basic algebra of fuzzy 2 subsets of X. By the remark above that k, n can be defined in terms of [, U , we see that A is some type of substructure of A . 2 1
Liu Dsosu,et al.
Fuzzy random measure and its extension theorem
Antonio di Nola,et al.
Yosida Type Representation for Perfect MV-Algebras
Math. Log. Q..
Brian R. Gaines,et al.
Fuzzy reasoning and its applications
Antonio di Nola,et al.
The Prime Spectrum of an MV-Algebra
Math. Log. Q..
C. Chang,et al.
Algebraic analysis of many valued logics
L. P. Belluce,et al.
Semi-simple and complete MV-algebras
D. Mundici.
Interpretation of AF -algebras in ukasiewicz sentential calculus
L. P. Belluce.
Semisimple Algebras of Infinite Valued Logic and Bold Fuzzy Set Theory
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
C. Chang,et al.
A new proof of the completeness of the Łukasiewicz axioms
Ulrich Höhle,et al.
Non-classical logics and their applications to fuzzy subsets : a handbook of the mathematical foundations of fuzzy set theory
Lotfi A. Zadeh,et al.
Fuzzy Sets
Inf. Control..
S. Ovchinnikov.
General negations in fuzzy set theory
R. Giles.
Łukasiewicz logic and fuzzy set theory
S. Weber.
A general concept of fuzzy connectives, negations and implications based on t-norms and t-conorms