MaaS framework realization as a pilot demonstration in Budapest

Several new concepts and innovative technologies emerged to overcome the problem of urbanization, which is hardly satisfiable with private vehicles or conventional public transport services alone. One of these is the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept. MaaS is a user-centric, intelligent mobility distribution model, in which user needs are met via a single platform and transport options are offered by a service provider (MaaS operator). Although activities in this field are ongoing, at present there are no established frameworks about MaaS costs and benefits, user needs, as well as its influence on travel patterns. The main goal is to provide a framework of the MaaS concept and realize complementary pilot cases. A pilot started in Budapest in late 2019 involving several mobility service providers, such as public transport, bike-sharing, car-sharing, and taxi. The pilot demonstrates the business case when a private service provider is the MaaS operator. This article provides information about the living lab around this pilot. It presents the used MaaS approach, the involved stakeholders, but most importantly it shares the lessons learnt from the pilot and delivers preliminary results of a real-life demonstration.