Earth Resources Instrumentation For The Space Station Polar Platform
The Polar Platform is a planned element of the NASA Space Station program, currently envisaged to be implemented in the early 1990's. The term "Polar Platform" actually encompasses a fleet of platforms in sunsynchronous, near-polar orbit. The list of potential users, or payloads, for these platforms includes NASA's Earth Observing System (Eos), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) operational instruments, international and commercial interests, with NASA and NOAA payloads being the best defined and the most dominant users at this time. The Polar Platform will enable a multidisciplinary, long term mission life approach to future Earth science measurements by the provision of sufficient payload resources (mass, power, data handling, etc.) to support a large suite of future Earth remote sensing instrumentation, and by the planned servicing capability via the Shuttle for instrument and subsystem repair, replacement, enhancement, refurbishment and calibration. This will allow the generation of long term Earth science data sets for application to studies in the fields of agriculture, forestry, geology, hydrology, oceanography, snow and ice, atmospheric chemistry, and atmospheric dynamics, and will eventually lead to an understanding of the global hydrologic cycle, global biogeochemical cycle, and global climate processes.