Phonological rule testing of conversational speech

DOdUNENT '4ESUNE 'Y FL Get 798 v Oshika, Aeatrice T. Phonological Rule Testing of Conversational Speech. Apr 76 15p.t; Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Spee and Signal4 Processing (Philadelphia; Penn ylvania, April 12-14, 1976) HF-=$0.83 HC-$1.67 lu Postage. Acoustic Phonetics; * vutational LinguiStics; Connected Diconrse; D scriptive Linguistic's; Oral Communication;.Phonolo cal Units; *Phonology; *Speech Evaluation; Statistical Analysis; Vocabul.ary; *Word Frequency Conversation; *Phonological Rules; *Phonological Variability This, paper describe a large computer-coded I conversational speech data base and results of testing phonological rules on that data base. The study hows that frequency of rule ,application depends not only on phonological environments, but also on frequency of occurrence of specific words. That is, some rules.are highly word-dependent, others are more phonoltigically 4governed. This relationship betWeen rule application and word frequency suggests that different kinds of phonological variation should be represented in different ways in the lexicon and phonological rule components of a speech undeTstanding system. (Author)