Localized Destratification at Lake Texoma

An axial flow Garton Pump was used to improve release water quality from Lake Texoma during thermal stratification. An 8-ft (2.44m) diam propeller pump, mounted on a floating support platform, was operated directly over the intake structure. The propeller, suspended 5.6 ft (1.7m) below the water surface, pumped high quality epilimnion water down to the outlet. Water quality parameters were monitored with and without pumping at several release rates to determine pump effectiveness. A maximum dilution factor of 32.5% was obtained at a pumping to release rate ratio of 0.48. The maximum observed improvements for turbidity, sulfides, manganese, total iron, phosphorous, and ammonia nitrogen were 83, 68, 49, 21, 53, and 37% respectively.